Technical Requirements

This is a list of technical requirements that the DLB user should be aware of. Not all all of them are strictly necessary and will depend on the application or the programming model used, but it is important to know all these factors for a successful DLB execution.

Programming models

DLB was original designed to mitigate load imbalance issues in HPC applications that used two programming models simultaneously: MPI for the outer level of parallelism, and any thread-based programming model for the inner level, such as OpenMP or OmpSs.

But, technically, none of them are strictly necessary. One application could have its own thread management and it could work with DLB as long as the application used DLB for the resource sharing. And, MPI is not necessary either since you can run two different non-MPI applications with DLB and share CPUs between them.

Although, the scenario presented above requires a considerable amount of effort and we strongly recommend to use applications MPI + OpenMP/OmpSs.

POSIX Shared Memory

DLB is able to fix load balance issues only among processes on the same node. This is basically because the library only adapts the number of CPUs assigned to each process and does not perform any data balance, through MPI for instance.

Since the communication needed in DLB is only at node level, the library uses POSIX shared memory objects that should be available at any GNU/Linux system.

Preload mechanism for MPI applications

DLB implements the MPI interface to capture each MPI call made by the application, and then calls the original MPI function by using the PMPI profiling interface.

To enable MPI support for DLB, the application must be either linked or preloaded with the DLB MPI library Using the preload mechanism has the advantage that the application binary is the same as the original, and it only requires setting an environment variable before the execution.

Use the environment variable LD_PRELOAD to specify the MPI DLB library.

The library should intercept both C and Fortran MPI symbols. In case of problems, check out the specific DLB configure flags to build separate libraries.

Non-busy-waiting for MPI calls

Usually, MPI implementations have at least two ways of waiting for a blocking MPI call: busy-waiting and non-busy-waiting; or even a hybrid parameterized mode. In busy-waiting mode, the thread that calls the MPI function repeatedly checks if the MPI call is finished, while in non-busy-waiting mode the thread may use other techniques to block its execution and not overuse the current CPU.

DLB lends all CPUs by default. That means that even if a thread is inside MPI in busy-waiting mode, that CPU can be assigned to other process. If you want to keep the CPU when an MPI blocking function is invoked, use the option --lewi-keep-one-cpu.

Parallel regions in OpenMP

OpenMP (5.2 and below) parallelism is based on a fork-join model, where threads are created, or at least assigned to a team, only when the running thread encounters a parallel construct.

This model limits DLB because it can only assign CPUs to a process just before a parallel construct. For this reason, an application with very few parallel constructs may take minimal advantage from DLB.

This limitation may be overcome with the upcoming OpenMP 6.0 and its free-agent threads, where tasks may be assigned to threads that may be created later and are not part of a parallel region.