.. highlight:: bash ******************* How to run with DLB ******************* Generally, in order to run DLB with your application, you need to follow these steps: 1. Link or preload (via ``LD_PRELOAD``) your application with any flavour of the DLB shared libraries. We recommend ``libdlb.so`` for simplicity, although you can choose other flavours like MPI, debug or instrumentation. Note, that you can also choose a different version of the library at runtime via the ``LD_PRELOAD`` mechanism. 2. Configure the environment variable ``DLB_ARGS`` with the desired DLB options. Typically, you will want to set at least ``--lewi``, ``--drom``, ``-talp```, or any combination of them. Execute ``dlb --help`` for a list of options 3. Run you application as you would normally do. Jump into the following sections for a more detailed description of each use case: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 how_to_run_lewi how_to_run_drom how_to_run_talp