Axpy ==== This benchmark runs several AXPY operations. AXPY is a Level 1 operation in the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) package, and is a common operation in computations with vector processors. AXPY is a combination of scalar multiplication and vector addition. .. highlight:: c We want to parallelize the code using the ``task`` directive in order to express parallelism. We will probably need to synchronize task execution across AXPY operations (using ``taskwait``) The sequential version is already using the blocking technique, and blocks are usually good candidates to become tasks. Ideally we should focus our effort in the following two functions:: void axpy_block(double *x, double *y, double alpha, long N) { for (long i=0; i < N; ++i) { y[i] += alpha * x[i]; } } void axpy(double *x, double *y, double alpha, long N, long TS) { for (long i=0; i < N; i+=TS) { axpy_block(x+i, y+i, alpha, std::min(TS, N-i)); } } Goals of this exercise ---------------------- * Try to understand what is doing each part of the code. Look for candidates to become a task and taskify them. * When creating tasks, pay special attention to data-sharing attributes. * Include synchroniztion directives when required (e.g., you should no start the verification until all the computation has been executed). * Check several runtime options when executing the program (versions, schedulers, etc.). * Check scalability. Execute the program using different number of cpus and compute the speed-up. * Change program's arguments that may impact on task granularity (block size, tile size, etc.). * Change program's arguments that may impact on the number of tasks (matrix sizes and/or block/tile sizes). * Get different paraver traces using different runtime options or program arguments and compare them. Execution instructions ---------------------- You should run the program as:: ./saxpy SIZE BLOCK_SIZE INTERATIONS where: * ``SIZE`` is the number of elements of the vectors used on the SAXPY operation. * The SAXPY operation will be applied to the vector in blocks that contains ``BLOCK_SIZE`` elements. * ``ITERATIONS`` is the number of times the SAXPY operation is executed. References ---------- *