.. index:: double: general; options General runtime options ----------------------- Nanos++ have several common options which can be specified while running OmpSs's programs. --smp-cpus= Set number of requested CPUs. --smp-workers= Set number of SMP worker threads. --cpus-per-socket= Set number of CPUs per socket. --num-sockets= Set number of sockets available. --hwloc-topology= Overrides hwloc's topology discovery and uses the one provided by *xml-file*. --stack-size= Defines default stack size for all devices. --binding-start= Set initial CPU for binding (binding required). --binding-stride= Set binding stride (binding required). --disable-binding, --no-disable-binding Disables/enables thread binding (enabled by default). --verbose, --no-verbose Activate verbose mode (requires Nanos++ debug version). --disable-synchronized-start, --no-disable-synchronized-start Disables synchronized start (enabled by default). --architecture= Defines default architecture. Where *arch* can be one of the following options: ``smp``, ``gpu``, ``opencl`` *or* ``cluster``. --disable-caches, --no-disable-caches Disables/enables the use of caches (enabled by default). --cache-policy= Set default cache policy. Where *cache-policy* can be one of the following options: ``wt`` (write through) *or* ``wb`` (write back). --summary, --no-summary Enables/disables runtime summary mode, printing statistics at start/end phases (disabled by default)