7.1. PILS (Parallel ImbaLance Simulator)ΒΆ
PILS is an MPI+OpenMP/OmpSs synthetic benchmark that measures the execution time of imbalanced MPI ranks.
./mpi_ompss_pils <loads-file> <parallel-grain> <loops> <task_size>
loads-file: file with load balance (number of tasks per iteration) per process, [100, 250] if /dev/null
parallel-grain: parallelism grain, factor between 0..1 to apply sub-blocking techniques
loops: number of execution loops
task_size: factor to increase task size
Goals of this exercise
Run the instrumented version of PILS and generate a Paraver trace.
- Analyse the load imbalance between MPI ranks.
Enable DLB and compare both executions.
- Observe the dynamic thread creation when other processes suffer load imbalance.
- Analyse the load imbalance of the new execution. Does it improve?
Enable DLB MPI interception and trace again. Analyse the new trace.
Run the multirun.sh script and compare the execution performance with and without DLB.
Modify the inputs of PILS to reduce load imbalance and see when DLB stops improving performance.