.. index:: double: CUDA; options CUDA specific options --------------------- This is the list of CUDA specific options: .. tabularcolumns:: |l|l|J| +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | NX_ARGS option | Environment variable | Description | +============================+=========================+====================================================+ | --disable-cuda | NX_DISABLECUDA | Enable or disable the use of GPUs with CUDA | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | --gpus | NX_GPUS | Defines the maximum number of GPUs to use | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | --gpu-warmup | NX_GPUWARMUP | Enable or disable warming up the GPU before | | | | running user's code | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | --gpu-prefetch | NX_GPUPREFETCH | Set whether data prefetching must be activated | | | | or not | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | --gpu-overlap | NX_GPUOVERLAP | Set whether GPU computation should be | | | | overlapped with all data transfers, whenever | | | | possible, or not | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | --gpu-overlap-inputs | NX_GPUOVERLAP_INPUTS | Set whether GPU computation should be | | | | overlapped with host --> device data transfers, | | | | whenever possible, or not | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | --gpu-overlap-outputs | NX_GPUOVERLAP_OUTPUTS | Set whether GPU computation should be overlapped | | | | with device --> host data transfers, whenever | | | | possible, or not | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | --gpu-max-memory | NX_GPUMAXMEM | Defines the maximum amount of GPU memory | | | | (in bytes) to use for each GPU. If this number | | | | is below 100, the amount of memory is taken as a | | | | percentage of the total device memory | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | --gpu-cache-policy | NX_GPU_CACHE_POLICY | Defines the cache policy for GPU architectures: | | | | write-through / write-back / do not use cache | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ | --gpu-cublas-init | NX_GPUCUBLASINIT | Enable or disable CUBLAS initialization | +----------------------------+-------------------------+----------------------------------------------------+ Following table summarizes valid and default values: .. tabularcolumns:: |l|l|l|l| +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | NX_ARGS option | Environment variable | Values | Default | +============================+=========================+====================+==============+ | --disable-cuda | NX_DISABLECUDA | yes / no | Enabled | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | --gpus | NX_GPUS | integer | All GPUs | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | --gpu-warmup | NX_GPUWARMUP | yes / no | Enabled | | | | | | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | --gpu-prefetch | NX_GPUPREFETCH | yes / no | Disabled | | | | | | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | --gpu-overlap | NX_GPUOVERLAP | yes / no | Disabled | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | --gpu-overlap-inputs | NX_GPUOVERLAP_INPUTS | yes / no | Disabled | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | --gpu-overlap-outputs | NX_GPUOVERLAP_OUTPUTS | yes / no | Disabled | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | --gpu-max-memory | NX_GPUMAXMEM | positive integer | No limit | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | --gpu-cache-policy | NX_GPU_CACHE_POLICY | wt/wb/nocache | wb | | | | | | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+ | --gpu-cublas-init | NX_GPUCUBLASINIT | yes / no | Disabled | +----------------------------+-------------------------+--------------------+--------------+