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==== Task-based Implementation ====

PARSECSs is a suite of benchmark applications for parallel architectures. PARSECSs expands the 
original PARSEC suite with task-based implementations using the OmpSs and/or OpenMP 4.0 programming 
models. The implementation make use of concepts such as task-parallelism and dataflow relations to 
achieve maximum performance and offer a diverse set of applications from a wide range of domains. 
It is designed to use broad concepts of task-parallelism in order to make porting to any generic 
task-based model easy, and offer important insight to the HPC community in regards to the efficiency 
and programmability of such models.

All task-based implementations included in this distribution (OmpSs and OpenMP 4.0) have been 
developed by the Barcelond Supercomputing Center. 

List of available task-based implementations in the PARSECSs suite:

OmpSs: 		blackscholes, bodytrack, canneal, dedup, facesim, ferret, fluidanimate, freqmine, 
			streamcluster, swaptions, x264

OpenMP 4.0:	blackscholes, canneal, dedup, facesim, ferret, fluidanimate, freqmine, streamcluster, 

==== Relevant Publications ====

Dimitrios Chasapis, Marc Casas, Miquel Moretó, Raul Vidal, Eduard Ayguadé, Jesús Labarta, and Mateo Valero. 2015.
PARSECSs: Evaluating the Impact of Task Parallelism in the PARSEC Benchmark Suite.
ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. 12, 4, Article 41 (December 2015), 22 pages. DOI=

R. Vidal, M. Casas, M. Moreto, D. Chasapis, R. Ferrer, X. Martorell, E. Ayguadé, J. Labarta, and M. Valero. 
Evaluating the Impact of OpenMP 4.0 Extensions on Relevant Parallel Workloads. 
IWOMP, October 2015, pages 60-72. 

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Xavier Teruel committed
==== Compiling PARSECSs ====

Before compiling anything the script must be run. This sets up the variable containing the 
path to the root directory of the benchmark suite (sets it to the current working directory). 
In MN it will also load the correct environment modules. To build a benchmark run the
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Xavier Teruel committed script like this:

./ <benchmark> <version> [extra_flags]

    * benchmark is the name or names of the benchmark(s) to compile
        e.g. ./ 'swaptions dedup canneal' ompss

    * version is the implementation or implementations you want to compile
        e.g. ./ 'swaptions ferret' 'serial pthreads ompss'

    * extra flags is optional and can be additional compilation flags the user
        might want to pass.  This can be used to enable OmpSs instrumentation or 
        keep intermediate Mercurium compiler source files.
        e.g. ./ bodytrack 'serial ompss' '--instrument -K'

Available versions:
	- serial: Original sequential version of the code.
	- pthread: Original parallel implementation with Pthreads.
	- omp3: Oritinal parallel impelemntation with OpenMP 3.0.
	- ompss:  Our parallel implementation with OmpSs tasks.
	- ompss_instr: Same as ompss but with instrumetation enabled, creating a different executable.
	- omp4: Our parallel implementation using OpenMP 4.0 tasks.
	- tbb: Not Supported!

Alternatively, you may want to build the benchmarks manually.  For most benchmarks,
blackscholes, canneal, dedup, facesim, ferret, fluianimate, freqmine, swaptions
compilation and installation is done with the following commands:

make version=<serial | pthreads | openmp | omp | ompss | ompss_instr>                  #choose one version - e.g. make version=ompss

make version=<serial | pthreads | openmp | omp | ompss | ompss_instr> install 	        #this will install the executables in the bin dir

To clean, run 

make version=<serial | pthreads | openmp | omp | ompss | ompss_instr> clean            #Clean files of the selected version

In case the benchmark uses autotools, first do an autoreconf -fiv and then run the configure 
script. Take a look at the build script of each benchmark (in ${ROOT}/benchmark-name/bench) or just list the help
of the configure script. Note that compiler flags being used are the ones provided by the environment or the build 
scripts. Be sure to have any flags you want set up (or pass them to the configure script or makefile in the 
command line).
After the configure script is run, proceed as noted previously, with the "make" command inside the "src" directory 
of the benchmark.

==== Dependencies =====

PARSEC-BSC comes bundled with two libraries: GNU Science Library (GSL) and ImageMagick 6.3.6. Currently you need both of them to compile 
Ferret. Just use the provided build script inside "parseclibs" to build both libraries:

* As of revision 568, ImageMagick has been removed, ferret no longer requires it.  

cd ${ROOT}/parseclibs/
./ imagick gsl

Once you are done, you can compile Ferret. Its Makefiles already link against the libraries in ${ROOT}/parseclibs

==== Executing PARSECSs ====

To execute a benchmark you can run the executable benchmark-version from the "bin" folder in each application. <version> <load> <nthreads>
    * version is the implementation you want to run

    * load is the input set you want to use - it can be
      test, simdev, simsmall, simmedium, simlarge, native

    * nthreads is the number of threads you want to use
        e.g. ./ferret/bench/ ompss native 16

In each benchmark folder a parsec folder exists that contains the correct input arguments for the different
inputs (test, small, medium, large, native).  You will need to download the input files from 
and add them in the input folder of the corresponding benchmark.