****************************************************************************** GPI-2 http://www.gpi-site.com Version: 1.1.0 Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Fraunhofer ITWM ****************************************************************************** 1. INTRODUCTION =============== GPI-2 is the second generation of GPI (www.gpi-site.com). GPI-2 implements the GASPI specification (www.gaspi.de), an API specification which originates from the ideas and concepts of GPI. GPI-2 is an API for asynchronous communication. It provides a flexible, scalable and fault tolerant interface for parallel applications. 2. INSTALLATION =============== Requirements: ------------- The current version of GPI-2 has the following requirements. Software: - libibverbs v1.1.6 (Verbs library from OFED). - ssh server running on compute nodes (requiring no password). - gawk (GNU Awk) Hardware: - Infiniband or RoCE devices. The easiest way to install GPI-2 is by using the install.sh script. The default settings install GPI-2 under /opt/GPI2/. This location can be easily modified by passing the location with the -p option to the install script. For example, ./install.sh -p /prog/GPI2 installs GPI-2 under /prog/GPI2 instead of under the default location. GPI-2 requires the libibverbs from the OFED stack. You can pass the path of your OFED installation to the install script using the option (-o) for that, in case the install script is not able to find it: ./install.sh -o You can see the install script usage: ./install -h MPI Interoperability -------------------- If you plan to use GPI-2 with MPI to, for instance, start an incremental port of a large application or to use some libraries that require MPI, you can enable MPI interoperability with the option: ./install.sh --with-mpi<=path_to_mpi_installation> If you don't provide a path to your MPI installation and mpirun is in your PATH, the installation script will take that MPI installation. This will enable you to use GPI-2 with MPI where the only constraint is that MPI_Init() must be invoked before gaspi_proc_init(). For this MPI+GPI2 mixed mode, it is assumed that you start the application with mpirun (or mpiexec, etc.). GPU/CUDA support ------------------- If you plan to use GPI-2 with CUDA and to allow direct data transfer between GPUs, you enable GPU support with ./install.sh --with-cuda<=path_to_cuda_installation> If you don't provide a path to your CUDA installation and nvcc is in your PATH, the installation script will take that CUDA installation. GPI-2 with CUDA support actually requires GPUDirect RDMA support, so it will be checked if the required kernel-module is installed Due to the limitations of GPUDirect RDMA, the maximal GPU memory segment size is limited to 250MB. To enable GPU support in your application, call gaspi_init_GPUs. The function gaspi_number_of_GPUs will return the number of supported GPUs on the actual NUMA-node, the function gaspi_GPU_ids returns the device Ids of the supported GPUs. 3. BUILDING GPI-2 ================= You can build GPI2 on your own. There are the following make targets: all - Build everything gpi - Build the GPI-2 library (including debug version) mic - Build the GPI-2 library for the MIC tests - Build provided tests docs - Generate documentation (requires doxygen) clean - Clean-up 4. BUILDING GPI-2 APPLICATIONS ============================== GPI-2 provides two libraries: libGPI2.a and libGPI2-dbg.a. The libGPI2.a aims at high-performance and is to be used in production whereas the libGPI2-dbg.a provides a debug version, with extra parameter checking and debug messages and is to be used to debug and during development. 5. RUNNING GPI-2 APPLICATIONS ============================= The gaspi_run utility is used to start and run GPI-2 applications. A machine file with the hostnames of nodes where the application will run, must be provided. For example, to start 1 process per node (on 4 nodes), the machine file looks like: node01 node02 node03 node04 Similarly, to start 2 processes per node (on 4 nodes): node01 node01 node02 node02 node03 node03 node04 node04 The gaspi_run utility is invoked as follows: gaspi_run -m [OPTIONS] IMPORTANT: The path to the program must exist on all nodes where the program should be started. The gaspi_run utility has the following further options [OPTIONS]: -b Use a different binary for first node (master). The master (first entry in the machine file) is started with a different application than the rest of the nodes (workers). -N Enable NUMA for processes on same node. With this option it is only possible to start the same number of processes as NUMA nodes present on the system. The processes running on same node will be set with affinity to the proper NUMA node. -n Start as many from machine file. This option is used to start less processes than those listed in the machine file. -d Run with GDB (debugger) on master node. With this option, GDB is started in the master node, to allow debugging the application. -h Show help. 5. THE GASPI_LOGGER =================== The gaspi_logger utility is used to view the output from all nodes except the master node (rank 0). The gaspi_logger is started, on another session, on the master node. The output of the application, when called with gaspi_printf, will be redirected to the gaspi_logger. Other I/O routines (e.g. printf) will not. 6. GPI-2 WITH CO-PROCESSOR (INTEL XEON PHI) ========================================== GPI-2 can be used with the Intel Xeon Phi (MIC) where the MIC is used as one node (running possibly more than one GPI-2 process). To use GPI-2 on the MIC, you need to compile it using the Intel compiler with the -mmic option. The Makefile includes a build target mic for that end but this build target is not used by the installation script. After successful compilation, GPI-2 for the MIC can be found under lib64/mic. If you are having problems with the compilation, make sure the OFED_PATH in src/Makefile is setup correctly. Assuming that the MIC(s) is set up properly, GPI-2 requires: - ssh connectivity (requiring no password) - grouping of local host and MIC(s) by using the tool micctrl micctrl --initdefaults micctrl --addbridge=br0 --type=internal --ip= micctrl --network=static --bridge=br0 --ip= where for instance, mic0:, mic1: etc. The MIC must be visible to the whole cluster network. For instance, if your cluster network is on eth0 and you want to map mic0 to do: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -i eth0 -j DNAT --to-destination iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source After setup, the MIC hostname can simply be added to the machinefile and be used as another host. 7. GPU/CUDA SUPPORT =================== To enable GPU support in your application, call gaspi_init_GPUs. This function will check how many supported GPUs are available. The function gaspi_number_of_GPUs will return the number of supported GPUs on the actual NUMA-node, the function gaspi_GPU_ids returns the device Ids of the supported GPUs. Segment Creation ----------------- To create a GPU memory segment, use the flag GASPI_MEM_GPU. The segment will be allocated on the current active GPU. Note tha the actice GPU may change by calling gaspi_init_GPUs and therefore should be set new bevore creating a GPU memory segment. Segment pointer ---------------- The segment pointer of a GPU memory segment is a GPU device pointer. It can be used in CUDA-related functions (eg. cudaMemcpy) and in CUDA-kernels. However, a direct access in host memory results in a segmentation fault. Host memory segment -------------------- Of course, GPU memory segments can be used together with host memory segments. If GPU-support is enabled, a new host memory segments is also registered for the GPUs. Therefore, a segment pointer of a local host memory segments can be used with asynchronous CUDA copy operations for asynchronous local data transfers/ Special functions -------------------- Due to some issues with the PCIe-Express bus, the Bandwidth of direct GPU-to-GPU transfers is imitated for larger messages sizes. Therefore, gaspi_gpu_write and gaspi_gpu_write_notify are optimized for remote write operations with a GPU memory segment as source. These functions use one-sided copies in host memory. Therefore, gaspi_gpu_write is one-sided, but not fully asynchronous with respect to the host, since the host thread is required to control the data flow. Small data packages are still transfered direct. However, it can still be overlapped with computation on the GPU. gaspi_write and gaspi_write_notify still can be used if a full asynchronous, but slower data transfer is preferred. Limitations ------------- Since the maximal size pinable GPU memory is limited to less then 256MB on most GPUs, the maximal size of a GPU memory segment is also limited to this. However, this issue can be removed by using a firmware patch for current K20 and K40 GPUs and will be removed in future versions. To support direct data transfer, the Infiniband device and the GPU must be located on the same NUMA socket.Otherwise, direct data transder is not supported. However, the application checks this at the beginning. 8. TROUBLESHOOTING ================== If you're having troubles when building GPI-2, make sure you have the OFED stack correctly installed and running. You can change the OFED path in the Makefile in the source directory (src) to the correct path in your system. 9. UP COMING FEATURES ===================== GPI-2 is on-going work and more features are still to come. Here are some that are in our roadmap: - include the support for GPU memory (available but not yet integrated) - support to add spare nodes (fault tolerance) - better debugging possibilities 9. MORE INFORMATION =================== For more information, check the GPI-2 website: www.gpi-site.com