.. index:: double: barrier; algorithms double: barrier; plugins Barrier algorithms ================== Usage ----- | *Description:* Selects the barrier algorithm used during the execution. | *Type:* string value. | *Environment variable:* ``NX_BARRIER=`` | *Command line flag:* ``--barrier[ |=]`` List of barrier plugins ----------------------- .. index:: double: barrier; centralized Centralized ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. important:: This is the default barrier algorithm * *Configuratin string:* ``NX_BARRIER=centralized`` *or* ``NX_ARGS="--barrier=centralized`` * *Description:* All the threads are synchronized following a centralized structure. .. index:: double: barrier; tree Tree ^^^^ .. warning:: This barrier is experimental. * *Configuration string:* ``NX_BARRIER=tree`` *or* ``NX_ARGS="--barrier=tree"`` * *Description:* Threads are synchronized following a tree structure.