Advanced Usage

DLB Return Errors

Most of the functions of the DLB API return an error code to indicate whether the operation was successful or DLB found any kind of error. These error codes can be passed to the function const char* DLB_Strerror(int errnum) to obtain a human readable description. The possible error codes are:

// Positive error codes
DLB_NOUPDT          "The requested operation does not need any action"
DLB_NOTED           "The operation cannot be performed now, but it has been attended"

// Zero error code
DLB_SUCCESS         "The operation was successful"

// Negative error codes
DLB_ERR_UNKNOWN     "Unknown error"
DLB_ERR_NOINIT      "DLB has not been initialized"
DLB_ERR_INIT        "DLB is already initialized"
DLB_ERR_DISBLD      "DLB is disabled"
DLB_ERR_NOSHMEM     "DLB cannot find a shared memory"
DLB_ERR_NOPROC      "DLB cannot find the requested process"
DLB_ERR_PDIRTY      "DLB cannot update the target process, operation still in process"
DLB_ERR_PERM        "DLB cannot acquire the requested resource"
DLB_ERR_TIMEOUT     "The operation has timed out"
DLB_ERR_NOCBK       "The callback is not defined and cannot be invoked"
DLB_ERR_NOENT       "The queried entry does not exist"
DLB_ERR_NOCOMP      "The operation is not compatible with the configured DLB options"
DLB_ERR_REQST       "DLB cannot take more requests for a specific resource"
DLB_ERR_NOMEM       "DLB cannot allocate more processes into the shared memory"
DLB_ERR_NOPOL       "The operation is not defined in the current policy"


DLB public functions usually operate on a set of CPUs. These operations often yield different results for each resource. For instance, an acquire operation on a CPU mask may be successful for some CPUs, noted for others, and forbidden for the rest. The operations may also be resolved asynchronously so DLB cannot immediately return an unique result for each one of them. Therefore, the error code is simplified with the errors shown above.

In order to send the results for each resource and each type of operation, either immediately or asynchronously, DLB needs some callback functions. Usually, enable_cpu and disable_cpu are enough. Here’s an example of how to register these callbacks:

/*** included in <dlb.h> **********************************************************/
typedef enum dlb_callbacks_e {
} dlb_callbacks_t;

int DLB_CallbackSet(dlb_callbacks_t which, dlb_callback_t callback, void *arg);
int DLB_CallbackGet(dlb_callbacks_t which, dlb_callback_t *callback, void **arg);

void enable_cpu_callback(int cpuid, void *arg);
void disable_cpu_callback(int cpuid, void *arg);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    DLB_CallbackSet(dlb_callback_enable_cpu, (dlb_callback_t) enable_cpu_callback, arg);
    DLB_CallbackSet(dlb_callback_disable_cpu, (dlb_callback_t) disable_cpu_callback, arg);

Asynchronous mode

DLB operations are synchronous by default. This means that each process needs to poll to check if a certain resource can be either acquired or must be returned.

Since DLB 2.0, the library can also start in asynchronous mode using the option DLB_ARGS+=" --mode=async". In this mode, DLB creates a helper thread that will invoke the appropriate callbacks from each process whenever necessary.


In asynchronous mode, DLB implements a petition queue to manage CPU requests. If a process demands more resources than what DLB can provide, the petition is annotated in a queue and will be satisfied as soon as some CPU becomes available.

This system is inherent to the asynchronous mode and the developer doesn’t need to change anything, but a few points to consider:

  • Don’t use any private data inside the callback functions, since these are called from and external thread, managed by DLB, that may not have access.

  • Don’t ignore return errors from DLB. The petition queue is finite and DLB can return DLB_ERR_REQST if the system cannot accept more petitions from a certain CPU.

  • If some request is made to acquire a specific CPU through DLB_AcquireCpu(int cpuid), this request can be revoked by calling DLB_LendCpu(int cpuid) or DLB_Lend(). [1]

  • If some request is made to acquire a number of unspecific CPUs through DLB_AcquireCpus(int ncpus), this request can be revoked by calling DLB_AcquireCpus(0). [1]


OMPT is the OpenMP Tool Interface defined in the OpenMP 5.0 standard. Using this interface, any external library can be registered as an OpenMP Tool during the process startup, and then register callbacks for a set of defined OpenMP events.

By having OMPT support, the DLB library can now passively detect the parallel regions of the application and automatically redistribute the CPUs among the other processes. The main advantages when using DLB with OpenMP and OMPT support are:

  • The application does not need to be modified with the DLB API: DLB will lend and borrow CPUs between parallel regions and MPI calls depending on the value of the variable --lewi-ompt (explained just below).

  • DLB is able to manage the affinity of all the OpenMP threads: DLB will now bind each OpenMP thread to a unique CPU, and new threads will be pinned to a new CPU when that CPU becomes available. Without OMPT support, DLB cannot manage the affinity of OpenMP threads.


To enable OMPT support, DLB needs the option DLB_ARGS+=" --ompt" and the OpenMP runtime linked to the application must support this feature. If you are unsure of whether the OpenMP runtime you are using supports OMPT, you can run the example located in $DLB_PREFIX/share/doc/dlb/examples/OMPT.

We do recommend to explicitly set the environment variable OMP_WAIT_POLICY="passive", since even if passive may be the default value, we have observed that a non null value may affect other implementation specific variables of the OpenMP runtime, such as KMP_BLOCKTIME. [2]

Once OMPT is enabled on DLB, the user can also enable other DLB modules such as DROM or LeWI with their respective flags. Furthermore, LeWI in OMPT can be fine-tuned with the option --lewi-ompt with any combination of the values [mpi, borrow, lend] separated by :. If mpi is set, LeWI will be invoked before and after each eligible MPI call. If borrow is set, DLB will try to borrow CPUs before each non nested parallel construct. If the flag lend is set, DLB will lend all non used CPUs after each non nested parallel construct.

The last necessary step to use DLB with OMPT support is to invoke the application with the binary dlb_run.


  • Set flag --ompt to enable OMPT support

  • Set flag --drom if you want to enable the DROM module

  • Set flags --lewi and --lewi-ompt=... if you want to enable LeWI

  • Set OMP_WAIT_POLICY=passive

  • Run dlb_run ./application