How to install DLB

Build requirements

  • A supported platform running GNU/Linux (i386, x86-64, ARM, PowerPC or IA64)

  • C compiler

  • Python 2.4 or higher

Installation steps

  1. Get the latest DLB tarball from Unpack the file and enter the new directory:

    $ tar xzf dlb-x.y.tar.gz
    $ cd dlb-x.y/
  2. Configure it, with optionally some of the DLB configure flags:

    $ ./configure --prefix=<DLB_PREFIX> [--with-mpi]
  3. Build and install:

    $ make
    $ make install

Other installation methods

Downloading from git repository

If DLB is downloaded from or other git repository, additional software is needed, such as autoconf, automake, and libtool. Once the project is downloaded, run to generate the appropriate build files. Then, follow the installation steps described above.


DLB also offers the possibility to configure and build with Meson and Ninja. The current meson build script does not provide all the functionalities of the autotools scripts; mainly documentation and examples are not yet integrated, but it is a great alternative for developers or quick installations since it significantly improves the build and testing times.

To set up a meson build directory and build, and install, simply run:

$ meson setup <build_dir> -Dmpi=enabled -Dprefix=<dlb_installation_prefix>
$ cd <build_dir>
$ ninja install

DLB configure flags

Debug and Instrumentation versions

By default, the autotools scripts will configure and build four versions of the library, the combination of the performance and debug versions with the instrumentation option. The basic library (performance, no-instrumentation) cannot be disabled but the other three can be freely disabled using the following flags.


Disable Debug library.


Disable Instrumentation library.


Disable Instrumentation-Debug library.

Optional dependencies

MPI allows DLB to automatically detect some patterns about the load balance of the application. When MPI support is detected, another set of libraries with prefix libdlb_mpi* are built; refer to Preload mechanism for MPI applications for more details.


Specify where to find the MPI libraries and include files.

HWLOC allows DLB library to get some knowledge about the hardware details of the compute node. If HWLOC is not found, hardware detection will fall back to some OS utilities.


Specify where to find the HWLOC libraries.

PAPI allows DLB to collect hardware counters. If PAPI is found TALP will also measure the IPC of the instrumented regions.


Specify where to find the PAPI libraries.

Additional MPI configure flags

The DLB MPI library defines, and thus may intercept, both C and Fortran MPI symbols. In some systems, having both symbols together may suppose a problem. If needed, DLB can be configured to generate additional libraries with only either C or Fortran MPI symbols.


Compile also a DLB MPI library specific for C


Compile also a DLB MPI library specific for Fortran

DLB will compile by default the Fortran 2008 MPI interface if a suitable Fortran compiler is found. This interface is needed to intercept such F08 MPI calls. However, if the compilation failed for some reason, the interface compilation may be disabled.


Disable Fortran 2008 MPI interface