6.4. crdbmaster cluster installation

The OmpSs-2@FPGA releases are automatically installed in the crdbmaster cluster. They are available through a module file for each target architecture. This document describes how to load and use the modules to compile an example application. Once the modules are loaded, the workflow in the crdbmaster cluster should be the same as in the Docker images.

6.4.1. General remarks

  • The OmpSs@FPGA toolchain is installed in a version folder under the /opt/bsc/ directory.
  • Third-party libraries required to run some programs are installed in the corresponding folder under the /opt/lib/ directory.
  • The rest of the software (Xilinx toolchain, slurm, modules, etc.) is installed under the /tools/ directory.

6.4.3. System overview

Current setup consists of an x86 login node and several SoC boards directly connected to it. Serial lines and jtag are connected to the login node, allowing node management as well as debug and programming.

6.4.4. Logging into the system

Crdbmaster login node is accessible via ssh at crbmaster.bsc.es

6.4.5. Module structure

The ompss-2 modules are:

  • ompss-2/arm64/*[release version]*

This will automatically load the default Vivado version, although an arbitrary version can be loaded before ompss:

module load vivado/2023.2 ompss-2/arm64/git

To list all available modules in the system run:

module avail

6.4.6. Build applications

To generate an application binary and bitstream, you could refer to Compile OmpSs-2@FPGA programs as the steps are general enough.

Note that the appropriate modules need to be loaded. See Module structure.

6.4.7. Running applications

Get access to an installed fpga

crdbmaster cluster uses SLURM in order to manage access to computation resources. Therefore, to be able to use the resources of an FPGA, an allocation in one of the partitions has to be made.

There are 2 partitions in the cluster:

  • arm64: KV260 and ZCU102 boards
  • arm32: ZC702 board

In order to make an allocation, you must run srun:

srun -p [partition]

For instance:

srun -p arm32 --pty bash

Or allocate a specific board with:

srun -p arm64 --nodelist=zcu102 --pty bash

These commands will allocate an FPGA and run an interactive bash with the required tools and file permissions already set by slurm. To get information about the active slurm jobs, run:


The output should look similar to this:

 1312 arm32         bash afilguer  R      17:14      1 zynq702

Loading bistreams

The FPGA bitstream needs to be loaded before the application can run. Xilinx provides the fpgautil utility in order to simplify bitstream loading.

fpgautil -b bitstream.bin

Get current bitstream info

In order to get information about the bitstream currently loaded into the FPGA, the tool read_bitinfo is installed in the system.


Note that an active slurm reservation is needed in order to query the FPGA.

This call should return something similar to the sample output for a matrix multiplication application:

Bitinfo version:    13
Bitstream user-id:  0x9D8E280
AIT version:        7.7.2
Wrapper version     13
Number of acc:      3
Board base frequency (MHz)  125.000000
Interleaving not enabled

[ ] Instrumentation
[ ] Hardware counter
[x] Performance interconnect
[ ] Simplified interconnection
[ ] POM AXI-Lite
[x] POM task creation
[x] POM dependencies
[ ] POM lock
[x] POM spawn queues
[ ] Power monitor (CMS)
[ ] Thermal monitor (sysmon)

Managed rstn addr 0x8000A000
Cmd In addr 0x80006000 len 256
Cmd Out addr 0x80008000 len 256
Spawn In addr 0x80002000 len 1024
Spawn Out addr 0x80004000 len 1024
Hardware counter not enabled
POM AXI-Lite not enabled
Power monitor (CMS) not enabled
Thermal monitor (sysmon) not enabled

xtasks accelerator config:
type        count   freq(KHz)   description
5839957875  1       100000      matmulFPGA
7602000973  2       100000      matmulBlock

ait command line:
ait --name=matmul --board=zynq702 -c=100 --interconnect_opt=performance --interconnect_regslice=all --wrapper_version 13

Hardware runtime VLNV: