Make MPI work
Fixes #16 (closed)
For now we only add MPICH, as I need to start launching MPI tests for ovni.
Although, we still need to copy the closures to each node manually:
hut$ nix shell jungle#hut.bsc.osumb
hut$ nix copy --to ssh://owl1 $(which osu_bw)
hut$ nix copy --to ssh://owl2 $(which osu_bw)
hut$ srun -N2 osu_bw
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v7.1
# Size Bandwidth (MB/s)
# Datatype: MPI_CHAR.
1 1.30
2 2.61
4 5.23
8 10.45
16 20.62
32 41.07
64 82.23
128 158.42
256 315.83
512 622.96
1024 1183.65
2048 2062.81
4096 3090.81
8192 4190.01
16384 4826.58
32768 5583.63
65536 7160.62
131072 10715.51
262144 11915.88
524288 12216.00
1048576 12303.94
2097152 12347.91
4194304 12384.89
We should have a shared nix store in the compute machines.
Edited by Rodrigo Arias Mallo